Dailyrazor,I wanted to take this opportunity to write and tell you how helpful your technical team has been to me over the last few days, especially Christopher K.I recently started using the opencart e-commerce application. PHP is new to me and I ran into numerous configuration issues getting the application up and running. I have been a happy Dailyrazor subscriber since 2007. My domain was located on a server that presented problems for the new PHP application. Christopher K, along with other team members including Max, Steve and Joseph S, migrated the entire domain to an updated server and walked me through the process of getting the app to configure correctly. Christopher K also set up my SSL certificate.I can't thank you guys enough. I know just enough code to get in trouble. You bailed me out every time.Thanks again, here's to the next 13 years!Christopher Tierneythevinylcanteen.com(formerly sciencelabwarehouse.com)