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C# Reverse String – How To Reverse A String in C#

C# (CSharp) developers using the .NET Framework are always looking for the best way to reverse a string. And fortunately, the C# reverse string function provides an easy-to-use and convenient way to do this using the .NET libraries.

Just in case you don’t know, it’s possible to reverse a string in C# programmatically, and there are several ways that this is accomplished through a string reverse method.

So in this article, we’re going show you how to reverse a string in C#. We will also provide useful examples of how to go about implementing a string reversal in C#.

Let’s dive in!


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What Is C# Reverse String?

As a C# developer, you’ll eventually come across the need to reverse the order of a string programmatically, and C# reverse string allows you to accomplish this objective.

Reversing a string is changing the order of the characters in the string. For example, the string “John” will become reversed to “nhoJ” when reversed in C#.

How To Reverse A String In C#

There are several approaches available to you when you want to reverse a string in C#. So let’s take a look at them one after the order. You can accomplish this using an Array or by directly.

C# Reverse String Using ReverseString & ToCharArray

We can reverse a string in C# using an Array. To do this, we use the ReverseString method of the SringHelper class to collect the input string parameter which we want to reverse, convert that string into an array using the ToCharArray method and then call on the Reverse method to change the order of the letters in that string.

The ToCharArray is a string method in C# language. It allows your program to copy characters from the provided string into a Unicode character array. Also, it can copy characters in a given substring into a character array. And all you need to do is pass the appropriate arguments when calling the method.

Here’s an example of how our code will look:

using System;

static class StringHelper
    public static string ReverseString(string myStr)
        char[] myArr = myStr.ToCharArray();
        return new string(myArr);

class myProgram
    static void Main()

When the above code is run, you can expect the following output to be written on the console window:


Congrats, you’ve just successfully reversed a string in C#.


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Reverse A String C# Using Another Approach

On the other hand, we can elect to reverse our string without the use of an Array conveniently. Such a decision can be based on the need to ensure the performance of our application is not affected when we’re processing a huge list of strings, or for whatever reason best known to us.

So in such a case, we can get the string and store it in a string variable, next we find the length of the string and using a loop through the string pick up one letter at a time to create the string reversal.

Here’s example:

using System;

class Demo {

   static void Main() {

      string myStr, myRev;

      myStr = "Paul";
      myRev ="";


      // get the string length
      int strLen;
      strLen = myStr.Length - 1;

      while (strLen >= 0) {
         myRev = myRev + myStr[strLen];

The above code will produce an output that looks like this:


And that’s all there is to it. Easy-breezy!


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Final Thoughts

In conclusion, as you can see, it’s relatively easy to reverse a string in C#. And you can use the approaches mentioned above to implement your C# reverse string requirement. So we hope this article was useful but also ensured to look up other resources on this topic as well as check the official C# documentation.


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